The girl in Charleville

           The Gothic style castle Charleville is in County Offaly, Ireland. It was built by Charles William between 1800 and 1812.  A lot of people believe ghosts are always around it, they believe that it’s haunted by Harriet the little girl who is wearing a white dress and has golden curls, she died […]

The Calling Lady “El-Nadaha”

Long time ago there was this calling lady who freaked everyone in the villages of Egypt out.What people used to say about her that she would go by anyones house “randomly” and starting calling someone’s name, when they look to see who’s calling, they would find an old lady asking for help, or a pretty […]

The Friendly Old Snake

In an upper Egyptian city named Qena there are some stories here and there about and old big snake that lives in one of the old mountains, based on the stories that were told it is huge and looks creepy somehow, but it never harmed anyone, people say that it has something weird around it’s […]

Nessie The Monster 

Loch Ness is a lake located in Highland Scotland. It is the second largest lake in Scotland, it has different 10 fish species. David Scott Munro was the first person in the world to water ski the length of Loch Ness, he covered 48 miles in around 77 minutes. A lot of stories were told […]

Dracula The Impaler

  Count Dracula is Vlad Tepes the Prince of Wallachia, he was born in 1413 and died around 1477.Vlad used Bran castle to fight Othmans,,, and he did love his country and was against the Turkish invasion.     The castle is located in Bran, Romania, which is known as Dracula’s castle it’s now a museum […]

Rumors About Baron Palace

   Baron palace is located in Cairo Egypt in Al_Orioba street. One of the very mysterious places in Cairo,,, stories were told about this palace since it was built,,, and people started to spread a lot of rumors about it, some people believe that they are real stories and some people don’t. Baron palace was […]